Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Eau, Naturel

This story is almost one where you had to be there but I hope you'll be able to experience the shame that my friend Pierce and I had to endure.
You see, Pierce and I both hold a deep passion for showers and showering.  In February of this year, we were at swimming meet where, on one day of the competition, we both had no events to compete in.  So, what we decided to do while the rest of the team was swimming, was to take a long shower.  Both of us relaxed in the bathing area of the change room for a long time. There was many sections to the showering area so luckily we were able to find a more private area where we could just talk and kill time.  The exact amount of time we killed was approximately three hours.  Now, during those three hours of standing under the hot water two things must be made clear.  First:  Pierce and I have known each other a long time and are very comfortable with each other, and to be most comfortable in the shower, we bathed in the nude.  Second:  After an hour and a half of hot showering, to avoid faintness, Pierce and I had to stay hydrated.  
We left our posts in the stalls to refill our water bottles.  The fountain was at the front of the change room, which wasn't a big deal.  And we didn't want to dry off, so we went naked, which also wasn't a big deal.  But the fountain was one of those ancient pieces of technology where you must hold your bottle under the falling water while also pushing the button to produce the water -- that was a little but of a problem as Pierce and I only have two hands.  For multiple minutes, as Pierce and I filled our water bottles as quickly as we could, unable to cover ourselves, the lucky male patrons of the Laval University change room, rounded the corner of the entrance to see two young, barren men, snickering quietly as a herd of grown men parted around them offering looks to be described only as displeased.  It must have been a busy time of day too, because I swear there was a steady stream of unhappy onlookers for those few moments. 

Stay thirsty, my friends. 

You're welcome,

B.F. Greenough, aka,
Chief Hanky, The Nude Noob

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